Alas, flu has come to visit our home & I hope and pray it doesn’t visit everyone! Last night, Moriah and Bethie boo were up -vomiting & I’ll spare you all the other gory details…. But even as I held heads and prayed, I was contemplating my Christmas wish.
On the other side of the world, there is a little girl, who has captured my heart. Her sweet smile, almond eyes, black, shiny ponytails, and her love of dancing, has captivated me.
Her name is Saige.
(meaning “wise”)
As I was getting to be a mommy last night, I wondered;
If Saige is sick, who holds her little head? Who tucks her in bed? Who is kissing her forehead & whispering , “Jesus loves you! He’s always with you.” Who challenges her to learn new words and acquire more advanced life skills? Who dreams dreams for her future and sets her on the path to reach them?
I think about her age. She’s 9. With each tick-tock of our clock, her chances of being adopted by her forever family is fading.
She has downs syndrome. Another barrier to shatter. So many don’t perceive the rich treasure stored within her.
Where is her forever family? Who are they? Do they even know her yet; the wonderful gift she’ll bring to their family? Could they bring her home before Christmas if the money was provided in her adoption fund?
Another question I contemplate- “Why was I so blessed to be adopted as an infant and why isn’t every child united with a family who is praying for a child to come into their lives? What can “i” do to help others find their forever family?”
I can’t help everyone, but “we” can help this one- Saige.
Thank you to my Jeff- He’s putting $100.00 into Saige’s adoption fund as my Christmas present.
So little money, but so much hope. I’m also going to donate all proceeds from the sale of my ebook, “Momma, Who is God?” on, until Jan. 1st.
Would you pray with us that Saige will find her forever family and that they find her? If you have anyone you don’t know what to get for Christmas, would you consider making a donation into Saige’s adoption fund in their honor?
Click on this link to be taken to Reece’s Rainbow to read more about Saige. 🙂
Just 1000 people
giving just $20.00
would take us
to the incredible goal of $20,000.00!
(aprox. the cost of most international adoptions!)
Praying for your family.
I had to wipe away the tears as I prayed for Sage to find her forever family.
Hugs and love, Rita
Thanks Rita- if – with man its impossible but with God- all things are possible. The Lord has put Saige in my heart for a reason. I know Christmas time means people are strapped financially, but we all have so much- it blows my mind if only 1000 people would give 20.00 she could be adopted… with social media- it opens a whole new world to friends and their friends and their friends! <3
thanks for sharing.
Perusing Reece’s Rainbow site has revolutionized my approach to Christmas this year. I’m so concerned about the breakdown of our American culture. How can we as the church demonstrate His love & power? Maybe it will be seen by our kindness. So this the scripture that has captivated my attention this Christmas season- “Command those who are rich in this present world (compared to rest of the world I am very rich) not to arrogant nor put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God… Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life life that is truly life,” (1 Timothy 6:17-19). Surely goodness and kindness can still attract the attention of even those most closed to the gospel. I love the idea of donating to Saige’s adoption. Saige has made a difference in my life and I will probably never meet her until heaven.
I love you husband! We are so richly blessed!