Do you love me?
We show our love in millions of miniscule ways; hugs, flowers, a card, a phone call, small gifts, expensive gifts, silly gifts, thoughtful gifts, the gift of time, touch, a smile, sharing, encouraging, cheering, and certainly we should daily say the three little words that have the power to rock someone’s world- “I LOVE YOU!”
[Tweet “Rock someone’s world- Tell them they are #loved. #acceptance”]
Do you remember that warm, fuzzy feeling at bedtime when your parents tucked you in and said, “Goodnight! Love you.” Think back to the euphoric feeling of hearing the words, “I LOVE YOU” in a romantic way. Did it make you feel giddy? Did you feel overcome with a rush of endorphins making your heart beat a little faster and your eyes sparkle with excitement?
We Love love!
We need LOVE! We crave it!
We need to hear it – feel it – be shown love.
Our soul will shrivel up and die without love! Our Creator fashioned us to be vessels to receive and pour out His love. As water is to a desert, so love is to a parched heart.
I don’t know when it started, but Bethany began randomly asking me throughout the day,
“Mommy, do you love me?”
It startled me at first because I try to tell my hubby and kids a LOT that I love them. Hmmm- I placed my hands on her cheeks, making sure she had full eye contact with me, and then I said with a huge smile, slowly and very emphatically, “Of course I love you Bethie. But I not only LOVE you- pause- I adore you!”
Oh, I wish you could see the delight shining from her eyes! The little giggle of embarrassment. The jig of glee & excitement! “Awwwww Momma, thanks!” and away she goes, filled and complete in the knowledge of unconditional love.
This happens at least once a day, usually at bedtime, or after school, or on our way to school, but it has to be played out with sincerity and passion- like it’s the first time I’ve ever heard her ask. I always respond like it’s the first time I’ve ever said it.
I’m pretty laid back and rarely get impatient with Bethany. The other day was the exception. I can’t even remember what she did but I said with some irritation, “Bethany, you need to listen better and obey.”
Her eyes popped open wide- her face looked stunned as she stuttered, “Bbbbut Momm- Dddo you ssstill love me and aaa adore me?”
My irritation was instantly replaced with overwhelming love- God’s love- that I just wanted to literally pour love in her little, questioning heart!
“OF COURSE BETHANY! I not only LOVE you and ADORE you—– I will ALWAYS LOVE you and ADORE you!”
Pure Relief- then the shining delight in her eyes. The giggle of embarrassment. The little jig of glee and excitement! “Awwwww Momma, thanks!” and away she went, filled and complete in the knowledge and assurance of her momma’s unconditional love.
And so it is with God.
We may not verbalize our question to Him- “God, do You love me?” But we wonder. Does God love me in my good and bad moments?
The Bible tells us He loved us before we loved Him!!
[Tweet “See the great love our #Father has #lavished on us- we are His #children.”]
It is His Father’s heart to pour out His unconditional love to His children. He speaks to us in a million miniscule ways- through the beautiful faithfulness of sunrise and sunset, the sweet fragrance of wild flowers, setting music in all of nature, the stars twinkling His message of creation, people He has brought in our lives to show us love, and His Word and Holy Spirit that reveal His presence and goodness to us, His children.
[Tweet “God is #love- He #romances us to His #presence. #PerfectLove”]
Even when He has to correct us; discipline us- guide us- lead us- turn us around to go the right direction- let us face life consequences- even then- we should know- His Father’s heart is holding us and saying what I say to Bethany-
“Of course child of mine. I not only LOVE you and I Treasure you—– I will always love you and treasure you!”
[Tweet “Nothing can separate us from #God’s #love.”]
Surprising Treasure:
Ephesians 2:4-6
New Living Translation (NLT)
4 But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, 5 that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!) 6 For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.
Eeading this post I realized the reason I can talk about so many different aspects and responsibilities concerning our Christian experience is because I know I am loved by God. God demonstrates His love for me through my family. I hope everyone else feels God’s love, but it is naive to assume so. No wonder folks struggle with the “other things” if they haven’t experienced the “greatest thing,” which is the wonder and comfort of God’s love. The greatest of these is love… I need to remember the “greatest thing” when I talk to people about the “other things.”
One other thought. It is ironic how loved I feel by Bethany when she asks me if I love her.
We are so blessed by His love and I just want to hug on everybody- like Bethy does 🙂
That Bethany is such a wonderfully loving child! What a blessing that she has all of you to love her so well and receive her gifts of love. The photos, too, capture such precious moments. Thank you, Cindy!
Thanks Edy- she’s quite interested in you 🙂 I read her what you say sometimes. She wants to come to Minnesota and say hi. lol Hope you’re having a blessed November- btw- did you see Sarah got engaged? hugs
I did see it and left a note somewhere on facebook (I think)! With all the “traffic,” there, I probably couldn’t find it again – so pass along a hug to her from me. I’m so happy for all of you (special hugs for Bethy, too 🙂
🙂 thank you sweet sister – life is flowin full and free right now and I’m goin’ along with my hands up praising and my eyes set upon the Author and Finisher.