Cohen and I were running errands and completely enjoying the crisp, autumn makeover the Lord is bringing us! I pointed out a magnificent red maple that was almost completely decked in crimson.
“Cohen, isn’t that tree beautiful?”
Cohen answered seriously, “Well, Nana, it’s partway beautiful, but it’s also partway handsome.”
Curiously, I asked, “What part is beautiful and what part is handsome?”
He looked at me in disbelief, “Nana, evewybody knows dis. The red parts are beautiful like girls and the green parts are handsome- like boys.”
Aha! Did I somehow miss basic sex education?…lol
[Tweet “Teach your children, teach them at home, as you work, as you play; in all of life. Deut. 11:19”]
This conversation prompted a homeschooling lesson the next day. If you’ve ever tried to teach photosynthesis to a 4 year old little man who knows everything and a 12 year old girl with ds who also likes to act likes she already knows what you’re trying to teach- you’d know how much fun a wild pony ride is. 😉
Suffice it to say, I learned something new. That’s the way it is for me so often. As I’m looking for creative ways to explain and teach my children (or grandchildren), God begins to teach me!
Photosynthesis, the activity of sunlight working to create chlorophyll, which gives leaves a green appearance. When the days get shorter, there isn’t enough sunlight to keep that energy factory going. The true colors of the leaves begin to appear. Yellow and orange are some of the original colors.
But get this: red colors happen when the “sugars” of photosynthesis are trapped in the leaves. Brown spots of color are showing where waste is trapped.
I think I’m a lot like that tree 😉
As long as my day is filled with Sonshine, I am busy producing energy and have a lustrous, green colored leaves. Life will take me through many seasons. Some seasons, I will be drenched with Sonlight, other times, the Son is hidden from my view. The result is there are seasons of lush, beautiful, productive times in my life. Then there are times where I’m “stripped down” to my true colors. Then come the “winter” seasons when we stripped down to our bare bones.
In every season,
I want to store the “sweet” Words of the Lord
and have Him process
and expel the “waste” byproducts in my life!
Because if I have enough “sugar” trapped inside, even when the Son is hidden, I can still display the brilliant red color that shouts to the world that His glory has touched me and changed me into His blazing glory!
Surprising Treasure: Bible Gateway – 2 Corinthians 4:6 New Living Translation (NLT)
6 For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
One thing for sure I love the seasons. I guess every climate has them, but I have particulary loved living in areas of the country that actually change during the seasons. This has always been a lesson to me- every season is for change. I get to choose whether I change for good or bad.
You are such a good teacher, Cindy, and your classes/illustrations always have something new and interesting to ponder. Don’t you love listening to what little ones have to teach us, too? They are so naturally creative that they can turn our own understanding inside out and upside down. Delightful! Hugs to you, little sister!
Thanks my own personal encourager! How many bloggers get to be blessed by someone so faithfully commenting and “chatting” back with them?! Children are such eager learners and I love the way they process and then come up with the funniest interpretations. Hugs back…