I think we all agree that LIFE is a challenge- a shake-up- a test- a roller coaster- a journey that will have constant twists and turns and more than enough lemons for lemonade.
Some days we are eagles in the sky, gliding untouched by the gravity of life’s challenges, soaring on the wind of His wings, and exulting in our birds eye view.
Other days, we’re just chickens, scratching in the dirt.
[Tweet “I’d rather be soaring on eagles wings than a chicken scratching in the dirt. #perspective”]
The Big Picture- An Eternal Perspective
It’s amazing flying- soaring ever higher, looking from the vantage point where problems and challenges appear as miniscule ants. Surprisingly, it’s not the exhilarating times that have helped me develop eagle’s wings, in turn developing my EP (eternal perspective) over the years.
“Tragedies” have played a huge part in forming eagle’s wings because they’ve forced me to evaluate life by the length of eternity and ask the hard questions.
“Loss“ has performed some spiritual lasix on the eyes of my heart and allowed me to see more clearly the realities of heaven. Reading His Word has planted, grown, and reaped a strong in my life, along with basking in Christian music and surrounding myself with other believers who fly on wings of eagles who have developed their EP.
But even though I’m learning to live with my EP mode on longer and fly higher than I used to- it still amazes me how little it takes to knock me back down to the ground to earthbound, chicken scratchin’ mode.
This last week and weekend, I have been filled to overflowing with His goodness. Flyin’ those wind currents of grace! Songs of praise were echoing in my heart, joy was bubblin’, and childlike wonder filled my days. An eagle, just swirling lazy circles in the sky with not a care in the world. Thankful! Grateful! Soaring! Effortless EP mode. Friday we celebrated my niece, Rachel’s, birthday, and I got to hold and snuggle my newest grandniece, Harper. Then, just when I thought the evening couldn’t get any better, Grace and Isaac told us God was blessing them with their second child.
As the pandemonium of screams and congratulations quieted, our son Noah & Sarah told us Silas was going to be
- Sarah, Noah &Silas is going to be a big brother!
a big brother again also! Oh my! Screams of joy and laughter. The pure celebration over the miracle of life! Nothing like the news of children to make me fly at high altitude for my eternal perspective tells me that children are the most valuable treasure God could ever bless us with on this earth!
Wonder beyond Wonders: Our Creator actually allows us to co-create with Him! And not just that- these gifts from God- these children, are eternal! They’re the only thing we can take to heaven with us!
So, over the weekend, I was really soaring! Counting my blessings. Basking in His abundant goodness.
Then my washer broke. OK- Still flying. The repair man came and said it was a simple fix. Still flying- still in EP mode. After 10 minutes, the repairman had fixed the washing machine and presented me with a bill for $146.00!!!
Crash landing. CHICKEN! scratchin’ in the dirt because of 1 silly, inconsequential problem!
I tried to get my EP back- tried to spread my wings and fly but I was grounded. It took the rest of the day to get my heart and mind to re-engage my EP. Silly, isn’t it????- what microscopic problems can wreck our day- ground us- take us from soaring with the eagles to scratchin like a chicken in the dirt? But don’t despair- He knows and understands.
Jesus wore flesh just like we do!
Do you realize he got tired and weary? He cried over people and their condition. Just because He was God in the flesh didn’t give Him superpowers. He limited Himself to human frailty! If anyone can understand our weaknesses- He can.
But He does so much more than just sympathize! Oh, yes, He does!!! He wants to renew our strength like the eagles- put us back into flight- so we can get our eternal perspective back again!
[Tweet “God gives strength to the weary, & to him who lacks might He increases power.”]
Flying in the jet stream of grace- my wings spread wide! (well, most of the time 😉 )
Surprising Treasure: Isaiah 40
The Everlasting God, the LORD, the creator of the ends of the earth
Does not become weary or tired.
His understanding is inscrutable.
Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
Like Cindy I want to be a an eagle. Similar to Cindy I am always disappointed in myself when one thing or on person’s attitude grounds the eagle in me and I begin pecking the ground again. We must judge our circumstances through the love of God. This is what “eagles” do. Too often we judge the love of God through our circumstances. “Chickens” do that. But today is a new day. My wings are locked. I feel the wind under my wings. Let’s soar!