You may (or may not) have noticed I don’t ever capitalize “downs syndrome” .
I just can’t- never have- never will; my apologies to the British scientist, John Langley Down who discovered the syndrome. I know its grammatically wrong but it makes perfect sense to me.
I refuse to capitalize my problems or challenges! This might seem trivial to some but it is gargantuan in my brain! 🙂
[Tweet “Refuse to #capitalize your #problems and #challenges. #overcome”]
We capitalize names because we are giving a reference of respect, or it brings a a special regard or esteem the particular name we’re using.
Like I said, no offense to John Down but when I type downs syndrome with small letters it reminds me that it is only a challenge- a syndrome- a temporary condition.
I won’t capitalize alzheimer’s and cancer is not the “Big C” because I will not give it more credence or respect by starting that name of my enemy with a capital letter. I am demoting certain names to powerlessness- at least in my mind. 🙂
The 1st thing I believe we should do when we’re facing our challenges is to put that “name” of our challenge- our goliath- our mountain- into perspective. “It” is not all powerful. “It” has no inherent power. “It” is not in control of my life. “it” will not define me.
“it” is simply a name that describes a condition- cancer, divorce, disease, arthritis, guilt, alzheimer’s, downs syndrome, depression, anxiety, adhd, cerebral palsy, lupus,……
[Tweet “There is a Name that is over every other name. #Jesus”]
Whatever name our challenge goes by- we must remember it is not
What I get excited about- I mean jumping up and down, shoutin’ glad- is this. There is a NAME above every other name! There is power in that NAME. There is salvation by His NAME! There is wholeness in that NAME! There is power in His NAME! There is redemption and promise in that NAME. His name is JESUS- Name above all names! Jesus is in absolute control over my life- not the sometimes overwhelming names of living in this fallen world! Jesus controls my destiny- no matter how many “names” come into my life!
Even after I’ve explained my quirky habit, maybe you will still capitalize words like alzheimer’s and downs syndrome, but never forget whose NAME is stronger and higher than any other.
Surprising Treasures: At YOUR NAME, the mountains shake and tremble! His Name is higher than any other- His name is Jesus- His Name is Lord!
At Your Name- Phil Wickaham
I guess I had never noticed that. I love that!
Now it is time for my confession. I ALWAYS CHANGE PRONOUNS REFERENCING GOD TO CAPITAL LETTERS. Doesn’t matter what translation I am going to quote, (whenever I write, type, and even when I say them :-)) you becomes You, me becomes Me, yours becomes Yours, he becomes He, him becomes Him, his becomes His… IT HAS NEVER MADE SENSE TO ME TO NOT CAPITALIZE PRONOUNS REFERENCING GOD. I have studied Greek and Hebrew and I think I once read the reasons as to why most (hardly any) translations don’t capitalize pronouns referencing God, but I disagree. Like our oldest Sarah said when she was around two years old, “If you could see things like I do you would know I was right.”
lol-Goodness- we are a pair! I do that too! Why wouldn’t we give esteem to the highest name there is- doesn’t everybody? He is Yaweh-He is Lord! Since I do it both ways- maybe that makes me quirkier. 😉 hugs
Good points and reminders, you two! I also cap pronouns that refer to God. Just this morning, reading our Daily Light on the Daily Path devotion, I noticed a sentence with both “His” and “his” in it. Without the cap it could be confusing!
What makes me cringe is when I see/hear people refer to “MY cancer” or other challenge. I refuse to embrace any such thing as “my” possession. As Evie sings “Give them all to Jesus…and He will turn your sorrows into joy.” Thanks, again, Cindy! 🙂
It only seems to make sense, especially in the Bible- I think it’s really confusing unless they capitalize all pronouns referring to God! And I agree Edy, who would want to “claim” “my cancer” my adhd, etc- we’re fighting against them- not giving them residence and hugs lol – btw – I love that song “Give them all to Jesus!” 🙂
AMEN Cindy!!
Love you Lori! Partnering with you to lift up His Name – higher and higher- that all men would be drawn to the Father! hugs
I love it! Lets capitalize the power of Christ not the struggles of life. Only through the power of his name can we accomplish anything. Its just like when Jesus sent his disciples out with the authority to use his name, it was then only then did they accomplish anything.
LOVE that! His Name is the only way we can accomplish anything that is good, true and lasting! Thanks for sharing Micah!!!