every due diligence to try our best,
every determination to live our life for God’s glory no matter what “life” throws at us-
will lead us to a place in eternity where our Father will beam His approval at our “tryings”!!
Jesus will award His ones who have overcome incredible obstacles and kept faith and hope in His goodness and grace! We’ll hear those words reverberate throughout time and space.
“Well done! Good and faithful one! Enter now into the joy of the Lord!”
As we’re watching the Olympics, I’m blown away at the strength, skill, endurance and the countless hours of commitment that it took for them to arrive at such proficiency. Bethany, on the other hand, exclaims, “That’s so cool! I think I can do that.”
However, PERFECTION is as elusive as mist in the morning. We rank and qualify, judge and award numbers, all trying to determine “who” is the most perfect. The reality is most of humanity will never come close to that kind of athletic perfection. Where does our sense of satisfaction and worth come from? What about the masses of humanity who are unable to “measure up” on the human measuring scale? Is their worth as a person any less than the one who stands and receives a medal or recognition?
While we applaud their incredible achievements, we should remember Jesus gave equal status and value to everyone by saying,
That is the measure of worth.
(“continuing reading is not for the faint of heart or the politically correct”)
But I’m afraid.
It’s fantastic to celebrate achievement! It’s fabulous to strive for the gold. But we can not celebrate seeking perfection because that position of glory belongs only to One- God!
Our society is going down the slippery slope of seeking PERFECTION. I’ve shared that 9 out of 10 babies diagnosed with downs syndrome will be aborted because of a diagnostic tool that allows us to ferret out their “imperfection”. Our own son, Micah, and his wonderful wife, Adrienne, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their baby girl in 1 to 2 weeks! 🙂
However, at the “appointed” time in her pregnancy, they were not only “offered” the “trisomy test” but were pressured to have it! When they replied “We have a little sister who has downs syndrome and the test wouldn’t change our minds. We want this baby no matter what.” they were again “offered” the diagnostic? or should I call it dealing with “it” before “it” becomes a problem test.
Our “new” mandated health care insures the taxpayers footing the bill for not only birth control but ALL genetic testing for selective reduction! The new PACA’s provision for no-cost preventive care services for women, insurance policies will be required to provide no-cost prenatal genetic testing starting August 1, 2012. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/thinplaces/2012/07/supreme-court-unexpectedly-upholds-regulatory-elimination-of-down-syndrome/#more-2712 (see source)
Sounds great? “Preventive” is ABORTION- killing and doing away with the “imperfect”, the “less than”, the “undesireable”. We must speak every word in an attitude of love, but we can’t stay silent just because we might hurt someones feelings. People need to hear the truth and know the facts before they can make an informed decision.
It isn’t just downs syndrome that’s being systematically weeded out of our society! Many other genetic conditions and even sex selection is happening, based only on our own preferences! What if in our quest for perfection we begin to define what perfection is based upon our own prejudices?
Can you say eugenics? Can you say ethnic cleansing? Can you say Hitler?
Can you say: no one will ever know if this selective disposal happens because it is happening in the privacy of a woman’s womb instead of the visible death camps and gas showers?
How did this issue become political? God is the one who gifted us with CHOICE but He explicitly tells us what choice to make- “I set before you this day two choices- death or life, but I say CHOOSE LIFE! Our God wants life for us- so He can live with us, draw near to us, help us grow and become compassionate- even as He is full of mercy and compassion with our own frailty. If we ever achieve a “perfect” society- (which is impossible since only God is perfect) our society would become the most intolerant of all; devoid of compassion, lacking in humility, unable to fathom the Father’s love He has for all of His creation- great and small.
Surprising Treasure: I know where the treasure lies. I’ve found the GOLD! It’s not in seeking a “perfect” life for me, avoiding unpleasant and difficult situations in this life. The treasure is found in embracing the LIFE God has blessed me with- the good, the bad, and the ugly! There is a joy in loving life but even more awaits us in eternity! I will continue to fix my eyes on the PRIZE that awaits in the next, when Jesus will look deep into my heart and motives and judge if I “loved the least of these.”
I always enjoy your posts because they encourage me to me move closer to Him. Choose LIFE–that says it so well, doesn’t it? I hope that Christian take notice of the state of our nation. We need Christians to vote, and we need united prayer going forth to cover our nation and our future generations. Love and hugs! Rita
Thanks so much Rita! Embracing and choosing life is multi-layered, isn’t it? I was talking to Jeff today, trying not to get too discouraged at the “state of our nation.” I feel there is little common ground and respect and such polarization in beliefs happening. It’s intimidating to stand up and speak up for what you passionately believe because the backlash is swift and strong. I agree wholeheartedly- “we need united prayer going forth to cover our nation and future generations!” hugs back
Thank God for the many heroes in America that are still fighting for the unborn. Those principle men and women that have seen slippery slope and are doing all they can to end the eugenic cleansing of the disabled and genetically weak. It is a tragedy. I am so proud of you for speaking out. -Our “new” mandated health care insures the taxpayers footing the bill for not only birth control but ALL genetic testing for selective reduction! The new PACA’s provision for no-cost preventive care services for women, insurance policies will be required to provide no-cost prenatal genetic testing starting August 1, 2012.- I am ashamed of the politicos and bureaucrats that have approved and are now implementing this abortion provision.
I just want people- especially women- to think past the rhetoric of the CHOICE scenario- you choose and then what? Is it really that easy?
I’m off to share this on facebook, Cindy. Thanks so much for this well-rounded perspective on the old Long War Against God (Dr. Henry Morris). Memories from history often come to mind during Olympics competitions – some good, some bad, like life. But, as Jesus said, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!” Hugs and thanks, again!
Thanks for sharing Edy! I love Dr. Morris! Two streams of belief continue- one honoring God- the other exalting man- I think of the ’36 “Nazi” Olympics where Hitler thought to showcase his “theory” or superior race- although Germany won, Jessie Owens made the statement of the games- winning 4 gold medals- God created all people and there is not one race that is superior or lesser than another. hugs
Funny thing, even those who are 180 degrees in opposition, exalting man, are still part of God’s creation, the one human race. One day they will see:
Rom 12:5 “so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
…whether they like it or not! 🙂