Check list- What are you stockpiling?
“Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and thieves. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.”
Matthew 6:19-21 the Message
[Tweet “Don’t hoard #worthless #treasure- stockpile treasure in #heaven. “]
I have a guilty secret- I’ve actually watched Hoarders on TV! (gasp- more than once!) I watched partially in fascinated horror that anyone could accumulate and live buried alive by “things” and partly in great relief that my house looks better than that! LOL 🙂
I shake my head in disbelief as people can’t- won’t- let go of material items that are worthless junk and are destroying their relationships and the quality of their lives!
But am I really so much different?
I think the same hoarding sickness resides in every heart- the compulsion to have stuff- and we spend the better part of our productive years trying to accumulate all the stuff we just know we have to have to be happy!
Where is my heart? Where are my thoughts? What are the things that consume my thinking? What am I stockpiling? What do I fill my life with and what does my heart desire to cling to?
[Tweet “What #treasures we stockpile- prove what our #treasure our heart loves.”]
Jesus says, when He looks at my heart- He’ll know what I treasure.
X marks the spot. When He looks into my heart, my mind, my motives, my desires, He clearly sees my core. Is it full of light or darkness? Am I half-hearted or whole-hearted toward Him? Am I a greedy hoarder of material things or am I laying up treasure in heaven?
[Tweet “Fill your #heart with #eternal #treasure- it’s the only thing that lasts! “]
Maybe that’s why Proverbs tells us “GUARD your heart- for that will determine the course of your life.”
Something fascinating happens while on our life journey! I laughed as our young children unwrapping birthday presents and then happily played with the BOX and WRAPPING PAPER! I observed my Grandma as she gave away her possessions, her time, her love, never seeming to want anyTHING- except to be with all of us. But the glitter and bling of this world have a way of attracting our hungry hearts like a clueless moth to a flame.
As a Treasure Hunter, we have to be sure that we’re seeking and storing AUTHENTIC treasure- ETERNAL, not temporary wealth.
So here’s our check list- X marks the spot- or should I say † marks the spot?
1. Seek first the Kingdom of God and fill your heart with God’s everlasting love
2. Love People- they are the eternal commodity we should be investing in!
3. Chase after the fruit of the Spirit – these things are worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox.
4. Remember- Eternal treasure can never be stolen or lose their value!
Surprising Treasure: Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. The New Living Translation
Years ago I took notice of 1 Samuel 10:22, Samuel was looking for Saul and couldn’t find him because, “…he hath hid among the stuff.” (KJV) Too often we hide among our “stuff.” The reasons for hiding in our stuff vary- pride, insecurity, boost self-esteem, fear, etc. One of the problems with having too much “stuff” is we can get “lost” in it.
Cindy, Jeff, oh my, ain’t that the truth! We can get lost in the cares and riches of the world, missing the Treasure for the trappings. What I find so refreshing about your blog is how you keep us focused on discerning the Genuine out of all the distractions. “Hoarders” is a key topic, I think, in your treasure-hunt. Thanks for sharing!
It’s incredible that I often gravitate to something “material”- substantial- touchable- to treasure- and yet miss the transcendent treasure all around me!