Join our family on a
Treasure Quest!
Are you ever surprised sometimes by how much you’re still “seeking” to know God, understand His will for our lives, “asking” for directions, and “knocking” on His door to get some answers?
I sure am!
One of the most basic quests in life is trying to figure out who we are and why we’re here- our purpose- our destiny.
I’m on several treasure hunts right now.
For years, I’ve defined myself as wife and mom. I realize God is morphing my identity, helping me see myself as His daughter. Part of my journey is learning to pray and encourage our adult children who are beginning their own treasure quests. Another one of my challenges right now is helping Bethany figure out who she is, and why she’s different. But then again, we’re all different. 🙂
I’m convinced if we could be 100% convinced of the value God puts on us, it would solve most of the world’s problems. We may be “broken” and “sinful” but we still are God’s crown of creation that He deemed valuable enough to redeem through the death of His only Son.
Question to Start With: Who does God say you are?
Do you believe you are created with a divine purpose by God? (you are you know!) Or. do you believe you came into being by fate: a mistake or an accident? (you aren’t you must know!)
This is the KEY starting point. If people believed EVERYONE was created by God with a divine purpose, it would end:
abortion, genocide, abuse, disrespect, bullying, euthanasia, mercy killing, murder, and perhaps some wars.
While we probably can’t convince everyone that people are God’s crowning glory- we must start with convincing ourselves and our families.
Though we are broken image bearers, imperfect people who sin, the imprint of God is still upon us. His love is indelibly stamped upon ALL of His creation; no matter how fallen or broken we are.
Does God “throwaway” broken people, or does He see the original potential and seek to save, redeem, and restore them?
Treasure Quest: Who does God say you are?
to be continued……
Psalm 139:15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
True, true, true! – “Though we are broken image bearers, imperfect people who sin, the imprint of God is still upon us. His love is indelibly stamped upon ALL of His creation; no matter how fallen or broken we are. Does God “throwaway” broken people, or does He see the original potential and seek to save, redeem, and restore them?” No “throwaway” people! He is the Great Physician who specializes in healing and restoring broken people. Aren’t we glad for that! for sure! 🙂 Jesus Christ be praised!
He’s amazing and so good!
And, you know, the big shocker to me has been that I will think I have it figured out, and then, IT CHANGES! Most recently, this empty nest has reshuffled my identity deck, and exposed treasure I didn’t realize was there. How do I grasp these new jewels without letting go of the others? Can I hold them all? Do I have to let go of any? Even the ones with sharp edges that are so distracting are familiar friends. Wisdom is as illusive as ever, even though my physical appearance leads some to assume I must have it all together by now!
You obviously touched a chord in me, Cindy! Bless you in your quest(s)! So glad we are journeying together!
Oh Cecilia! I’m right there with you! “How do I grasp these new jewels without letting go of the others?” I’m so glad we’re companions on the journey and we can share encouragement and treasure along the way. hugs Cecilia!!!!
So, I just had a “vision.”
If “we” try to push straight through life and it’s “issues,” we will not be anchored. But if we “spiral” through them… i.e., wrestle with those things honestly, transparently, but through the Holy Spirit and Scripture we wil be less apt to have to retrace our steps. Our forward movement toward Christlikeness will be more permanent. The deeper we spiral through difficult realities the Spirit and Scripture the more anchored we will be in the Lord and our relationship with Him.
This is where my “spiraling” vision came from- While on the beaches at Galveston the wind would often pull our umbrella out of the sand. My solution was to just “dig a deeper hole.” However, that had it’s limits. Then one afternoon I noticed the “beach pros” used spiral-shaped anchors that were twisted and turned into the sand- this is why their umbrellas weren’t being thrown down the beach by the wind. Agreed, all that twisting and turning can be dizzying… But it’s a great feeling to be rooted, established, and anchored in Him!
YES! I want to be anchored- no wind blowing me away!
Yesterday, I pulled out old notebooks and folders for a trip down memory lane and where my writing was 15 years ago as a little girl. I even discovered “business cards” where I boldly proclaimed myself a writer for hire. I also found poems, stories and essays all centered around the great love God has for his children.
God says I am a writer. He may change that someday, but I pledge to always be content in whatever purpose He has for me.
LOVE This Sarah! I think that’s such a wonderful thing about this journey- at our CORE- we are who He made us- but along the way- He equips and stretches, grows and challenges us to deeper and wider than we ever dreamed. ENJOY my friend. You are walking His path sharing with so many through the written word!