“Mothers are the fragrance of Heaven’s love.”
As a child, I understood Mother’s Day be a straight-forward celebration. You had one mother and two grandmothers. Three cards to make and three special gifts to give. I remember a paper clip necklace I made for my Mom, and being the “MOM” that she was, she wore it to church with as much grace as if it had been a diamond necklace. Every dandelion bouquet, each artistic attempt, is met with keen appreciation and wonder that springs from the fact that your child has given you gifts of PURE love.
When my Mom, Joyce died, I was twenty-three, married, and Sarah was 9 months old. I had just become a mother only to lose my mother. I cherished her memory and didn’t want ANYONE to take her place. It seemed disloyal somehow. But God had a better plan! 🙂 I realized no one could ever replace my sweet mother and her place in my heart, but that God has enabled our hearts to infinitely expand! God has orchestrated the presence of many women in my life to bring me the fragrance of motherhood. Life has become an intricate tapestry of relationships. I’ve been blessed to know and love my Birth mom, Adoptive mom, Mother-in-law, Step-mom, Aunts who have “mothered” me, and countless other women who have stepped into my live perfuming me with the lovely fragrance of mothering!
The scent I love to breathe most deeply from is the aroma of love that comes from being surrounded by my children and grandchildren who are seeking to walk in God’s love and ways. Take time to smell the scent of heaven in your life today!
Blessed to have Moms, blessed to be one!
In His Amazing love- Cindy
Last year, I wrote a tribute to my birth mom, Kathleen and my adoptive mom Joyce. If you didn’t get to read it, just click on the link CHOICES and you will go straight to the article.
God gives us the choice to give and receive love.
He gives us the choice to limit how much love we allow into or heart OR we can reject love in our lives altogether!
But God’s hearts desire is for us to become a vessel of love- to pour out and be filled up with His inexhaustible, perfect love!
Most of us go through life looking for experiences that will not be too costly. We prefer experiences and people tht will make us happy. However, the Lord is all about bringing circumstances and people into our lives that will restore us to His image. I was with Cindy when Joyce went to be with Jesus. I was also with Cindy when Jesus brought Kathleen into her life. Both events were heaven sent! Each situation brought tears and Christian formation. Why? Because mothers are the scent of God’s love.
“God has enabled our hearts to infinitely expand!”
Here’s a story from one of my brothers: He told us that his heart was so full of love for their firstborn that he worried he wouldn’t have enough room left in his heart to give the same for the next child. What he discovered (as did I) is that love isn’t limited to the size of one’s heart. Love expands the heart to take in everyone, eventually! Isn’t it a hoot to consider the ideas we have had until God opens the eyes of our understanding?! I’m sure He delights to give us these wonderful surprises. 🙂
I love that story! “Love isn’t limited to the size of one’s heart!” the enemy uses FEAR to make us think small but the Lord uses LOVE to banish fear. He is a wonderful, surprising God! hugs
Goose-bumps, here! Fear from the enemy narrows the view – but the Lord and His “Fear not!” banishes that fear and fills us with His love – which is without limit! Whoop-de-do! 🙂 and hugs, back!
I loved hearing about your mothers…both you Cindy and Edy (Who I am getting to know by her posts to you.) It always amazes me how you both play from one another. I know you are sisters in Christ, but sometimes you sound like sisters by blood. Thanks to you both for your thoughts.
Thanks Char- lol- I “met” Edy on Faithwriters.com- She became a great writer mentor, encourager, and then we began corresponding about our personal lives and God just knit our hearts together! I call her my big sister in the Lord and I just praise the Lord for her investment in my life! hugs 🙂