[box type=”info”] “I so excited. I’m going to 5th grade…then 6th grade, then 7th grade, then 8th grade! Then can I drive a car?” quote by Bethany Barclay 11 years old & absolutely serious[/box]
As the school year winds down, next year is already being ANTICIPATED!!! This has been an incredible year of CHANGE for Bethany (and I 🙂 ) While I still home schooled Bethany in her core subjects, Bethany attended public school (4th grade) part-time for art, PE, and music. It has been a win/win decision. Home gave her the concentration and one on one focus she needs to advance in reading and math and School gave her group structure and social dynamics that she would never be able to learn at home! It has been amazing to me at the dedication and genuine support Beth and our whole family has received!
Back to the subject of CHANGE! The excitement level is off the charts as Bethany talks about being a 5th grader! But reality set in last night at bedtime prayers.
“Mommy- I don’t want 5th grade. I stay 4th grade.”
“What? Why, Bethany? Mommy doesn’t understand. You’ve been so excited!”
“But Mommy, I not like change. I miss my friends, Chandler, Adelle, Amy, Megan, Cheskay, Haley, Molly, Liam, Noah, Niasha, Mrs. Herod, Miss Hayes, Mrs. Turvey, Mrs. Nobo, Mrs. P. I stay 4th grade!”
“Oh Beth, you don’t go by yourself! All your friends move up to 5th grade with you. You won’t be alone!”
I could see her digesting that important bit of information.
“Well,…..what about teachers? I not want new teachers! I think it all be too hard.”
Ah-ha! We talked the whole situation to pieces (and I’m sure there will be more explaining 🙂 ) and she’s gradually getting excited again. I couldn’t help but see myself in her reaction.
I get so excited about moving forward, moving up, changing, advancing, growing! I love the THOUGHT of CHANGE, I love the END RESULT of CHANGE, but the PROCESS of CHANGE?- no thank you!- it’s hard work and stretches me out of my comfort zones. If I am honst, I like to fluff my nest, hunker down, and enjoy the familiar. The minute CHANGE starts to become a reality I start seeing the potential challenges! What if I lose a friendship(s), what if it gets to difficult, what if I don’t like it when I get there, what if things change and I don’t like the changes or it’s just too difficult for me???
Here I am again, about to tell you something so simple and true but so elusive to embrace and live.
JESUS IS WITH US EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! He promised to NEVER EVER leave us or forsake us. That means He will help us with every change, challenge, quest, step forward, commencement, mission, big or small life happenings! And God ALWAYS keeps His promises!
Surprising Treasures: In this life we will have many changes (LOL my paraphrase of troubles) but Jesus says be of good cheer- He has overcome and never changes! Jesus Christ- the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Oh, so true!!! Change….we desperately need change, and we fight it so often! Lord, may we fall into Your arms and rest in you as you do Your work in our lives!
Oh Julie- I love that!- “may we fall into Your arms and rest as you do Your work” Adi and I were just talking this morning about how worn out and wiped out we get mainly because of SELF RELIANCE and trying to MANAGE life. We’re both learning how to REST in Him and not hang on to tightly 🙂 hugs
I hope this works
Yaaaa I can finally post to your site Cindy
Yay!!! I can finally read your sweet insights again Char! hugs
In Bethany’s new favorite word when things go right, “B A M!” 🙂
This is very timely for us. We have sold our house and will be moving in 2-3 months to AZ. Mom needs our help and we want to be closer to the Grandkids. Marty, Jan and I are all excited, yet nervous to leave the familiar for the unknown. It’s been an awesome time of pressing into the Lord for me.
DEBBIE! How exciting- and “challenging” 🙂 God will give you grace as you start your new adventure!! we need to email and “talk” more soon! hugs!
Bethany truly has the best of both worlds, Home and School! No wonder she loves life and is so excited about it all — and is concerned about “change” that could “spoil” what she knows. What joy to remember that Jesus changes not, and nestling close to Him, though the world around us goes haywire, we can find our peace and rest in Him. I cherish your posts, Cindy! Love and hugs 🙂
I cherish your comments Edy! I know its not for everyone but I love the balance in our life right now for Bethany. It truly is the best for her- one on one focus and yet a social, structured setting for her to grow and learn! I hope to learn to see CHANGE as His hand taking me from glory to glory. 🙂