I’m so thankful for people like Miriam! She traveled the road of downs syndrome 6 years before I did and has left some amazing encouragements and spiritual insights! She inspires me to do the same. Recently, the singer, Aaron Schust and his wife have given birth to a son with downs syndrome. Since I’m further along in our journey- I wish I could reassure them of the wonderful adventure that lies ahead. Some challenges to be sure, but overall, LIFE in the fullest sense. Whatever we experience in this life: good, bad, or challenging; we can be a light and leave some nuggets of treasure and wealth for others as they travel the same path. God has so much for us-
[Tweet ” To walk in God’s blessing takes FAITH in His plans for us.”]
Einstein Syndrome
by Miriam Kauk
Imagine that you have just given birth. You notice a sense of excitement in the room. Finally, the doctor comes to you with a big smile and says, “I have some important news to give you. Based on our preliminary examination, we believe your baby has Einstein syndrome!”
The doctor goes on to tell you that children with ES typically read by age three, and by six or seven read at a high school level. They can master many languages during their preschool years, develop phenomenal vocabularies, and complete high school by age ten or eleven and college by fifteen. Furthermore, children with ES have remarkable physical skills. Many Olympians have ES. And they tend to be excellent musicians.
Now, how are you going to treat this child? It is doubtful that you are going to leave him in his crib for the first two months, watching a mobile.
Instead, you will keep your child in a room full of activity. You will talk to him, naming items, and expecting him to begin to understand you. You will surround him with classical music. You will read to him as much as you can and begin teaching him alphabet letter sounds very early.
This child will go with you everywhere, just so you can teach him more about the world. He won’t be in a playpen; you will be giving him lots of opportunities to learn to crawl, and you will expect him to go get things himself. You will probably hire a nanny who speaks another language, and will likely enroll him in gymnastics or swimming classes.
Guess what? Even if the diagnosis was wrong, by the time your child is five or six, people will begin commenting on how incredibly bright he is. He will be an excellent reader, have a tremendous vocabulary, have a good ear for music, and be exceptionally coordinated, all because of the extra input that you have given him based on your expectations.
Contrast this with another scenario, this one all too real. After giving birth, there is stillness in the delivery room. The nurses seem to avoid you. Finally, maybe several hours later, the doctor tells you what is wrong. “Your baby has Down syndrome. Try not to let it ruin your life.”
As you read more about Down syndrome, this dreary prognosis emerges: Your newborn baby is retarded. He will learn to crawl and walk late. His language skills will always be minimal, and he will never be able to express himself well. This child might learn to read a little, but certainly not by the age that normal children do, and never well. Even as an adult, he will always do stupid things because he will never learn to think well.
With that dreary prognosis, how are you going to treat your baby? Why bother talking to him? He won’t understand you anyway. Why bother reading to him? He’ll never learn. Why bother even getting him out of his crib? He isn’t supposed to crawl for many months. And guess what? He doesn’t learn to walk, read, talk, or think well, just like they all said.
I am convinced that the biggest handicap Down syndrome children have is the low expectations of their parents.
Cindy’s inserted question:
[Tweet “”What if our biggest handicap is the low expectations of what God can do in our lives!?”]
This baby may have physical problems. Maybe he doesn’t hear well. Maybe he has poor muscle tone or a heart defect that leaves him weak and causes difficulty with new physical skills. This little baby needs lots of extra sensory input just to balance his physical handicaps.
As a baby, my daughter, Mary would have been content to lie on the floor for hours sucking her thumb. As a toddler, she hardly demanded any attention. With five other children, I had plenty to do and easily could have ignored her. But Mary needs more input, not less. I needed to make a constant effort to interact with her and involve her in what the family does. As a result of all that extensive input, by the time Mary was three, she wasn’t in the least passive, but was on the go non-stop.
I have been accused by a social worker of not dealing realistically with Mary’s condition, of being in “denial.” Yup, I’m in denial. But as long as I believe that she is capable of normal function, I will be willing to give her the input she needs to get there.
This article was first published in the Teaching Home magazine in July/Aug 1994.
Copyright 1994-2008 Miriam Kauk
I remember reading about Mary a few years back. So many lessons for all of to apply! <3 ya!
hugs- you are my encourager!
I love this, Cindy, and your Surprising Treasure insight is priceless. Thanks for the bountiful blessings, my dear!
thanks Edy- I know one day I’ll see Him face to face and wonder why I thought some parts of life were lived the way I lived them…. hugs
This is a message the entire world needs to hear and know. In essence, it captures the Gospel message. We all “arrive as damaged merchandise… damaged during manufacturing or shipping…” But through one’s new birth by faith in Jesus’ redeeming death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, the work of the restoration of God’s perfect image in us begins. On this side of glory we compromise our redemption when we embrace low expectations.
Everyone should read Miriam’s article and your insights.
thanks honey- it’s a tight rope walk isn’t it- learning to be content and yet believing and reaching for His awesomeness!
“Cindy’s comment: maybe the biggest handicap we all have is low expectations of what God can do in our lives! 🙂 ” So true!
Powerful post!
Thanks Rita- my perspective is so limited, so earthly- I’m sure you saw the video going around on facebook with a young boy with autistism and BLIND= singing- Open the eyes of my heart- that’s my prayer- that we would SEE His glory and majesty <3 hugs
I have never thought about it like that before. I’m thinking how amazing it will be to raise a child and help them shoot for the stars, and accomplish the major things in life, but god wants the same thing with us! such a great thought.
I’m new to your blog – a mutual friend recommended it to me. I am the mom of a 14 year old daughter with Down Syndrome. I fully agree that, as parents, we often do not hold the bar high enough for our kids (of all abilities!) I’m constantly blown away by what my daughter knows and can do on her own and am always convicted of my own shortcomings when I watch her or consider her accomplishments. God has allowed me to peer directly into the face of His grace, mercy and provision as I journey through life with my “surprising treasure.” I’m so grateful for the opportunity to do so. Thanks for your blog – I love the encouragment it brings me.
Hi Denise! Thanks for your kind words! Isn’t God amazing? I’ve often said, Bethany was the best gift I never knew I wanted or needed. I wish we could get together sometime- you don’t live in KS do you? As Bethany is approaching the “teenage” years I would love to talk to someone who is further along than us- that and I think Bethany would benefit greatly from another friend. Blessings and hugs- Cindy
Hi, Cindy.Yep, we live in KS, and I think even the same town. Email me and let’s see if we can connect. I’d love to chat and get the girls together. We are exploring alternative education possibilities for next year (start of High School) and I’d love to pick your brain on homeschooling Bethany. (I currently homeschool our 7th grader and I have a High School senior in public school.)
I am deeply moved by this site.At age 4 I was diaginosed as retarded.I was in a large family which turned their backs on me.I lived in my own world.Truly unwanted and by age 6 had tried to kill myself twice.Then I began to hate and was enraged .Age twelve I was given a Bible and I lost my hate and rage.I found something truly important.My purpose became to find my way regardless of whomsoever tried to get in my way.I found a great role model in Jesus and studied his life and teachings find a true purpose.I began to thirst for knowledge and that raised me to a level none of my family had achieved.That was not my purpose though.My purpose was to show myself and Jesus what I could achieve.My life has been frat with many road blocks but I have always surmounted them and patterned my life as a true Christian.
John, tears are in my eyes and my heart literally hurts as I read your post. How any one can turn their back on a child is unimaginable to me. I wish you had been my little boy. I’m rejoicing though, the Jesus- saw- rescued- and drew you close to Him! breaking the cycle of rejection and abuse- filling you with his LIFE and purposes!!! How amazing our God is! I know the Father is using you- and will continue to use you to help many and be a light in the darkness!!! God bless you John!!!!!