For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and He holds all things together! Colossians 1:17
all credit of the song- Breath of Heaven goes to Amy Grant
Breath of Heaven- Hold me Together!!!!
I am waiting ~ in a silent prayer
Have you lost your home?
I am frightened ~by the load I bear
Have you lost you r marriage?
In a world as cold as stone ~ Must I walk this path alone?
Have you gotten a medical diagnosis that sucked the breath out of you?
Be with me now
Have you lost someone you love?
Be with me.
[Tweet “We are never #alone. #Emmauel #God with us. #CHRISTmas”]
We’ve all had “blue” Christmases. His joyous birth and entering history to save and redeem, is overshadowed by grief, loss, or pain. It’s so very hard to care when our world is unraveling.
[Tweet “From #conception to final breath, God’s #love is surrounding us. #CHRISTmas #Comfort”]
Breath of Heaven- hold me together- Be forever near me breath of Heaven!
God’s word promises that we can’t unravel all the way. He is the Creator that holds every atom, every cell, every star in orbit. With compassion, He sees every sparrow that falls and declares YOU as having much more value to Him!
[Tweet “Breath of #Heaven- lighten my darkness, pour over me your holiness- for You are holy!”]
He is the LIGHT of the WORLD and darkness can never extinguish the LIGHT!
But I offer all I am ~ For the mercy of Your plan
Lord- You have come. Thank You for entering our world!
Help me be strong! Help me be! Help me.
Oh, Emmanuel, come near and shelter us from the sins and sorrows of this world- they are too much for us to bear alone. We need you to hold us together. We need your help. We need you. Help us FEAR NOT and know you are with us every breath we take.
In Jesus name- Amen.
Thank you Cindy. “Breath of heaven, hold me together.” Can’t tell you how many times the stresses of this world have attempted to tear me in pieces. And yet, the Lord has held me together. He never leaves us, neither will He forget us!
Yes, dear husband. Yes! He is our glue!
Good reminder mom! We always need to stop and remember who God is and all that He does for us.
I loved talking to you today about how our present afflictions produce a WEIGHT of Glory in us- I’m going to turn that into a blog. You really encouraged me and made me see things in a fresh way. Hugs Noah!
Another good reminder to think of those going through a blue Christmas, even through it might not be blue for us. That can often be overlooked at this season of the year, unless we are personally affected. I pray that my joy over the years has not made the grief of others even worse by contrast. Isn’t it neat that Jesus did not leave us comfortless, but has provided His Comforter to be with us, to hold us TOGETHER! Halleluia! Thank you for being so thoughtful, Cindy!
I’m sure your joy has sown joy Edy! I don’t think JOY increases grief- it gives hope. (maybe random silliness may seem empty when you’re grieving) I’m so thankful He sent the Breath of Heaven! It makes me think of that scripture in Acts ? “In Him we live and move and have our being.” That’s pretty intimately involved…What a Savior!
Beautifully done! Love the intermingling of one of my favorite Christmas songs with the message. Like a midnight clear… 🙂
Thanks Sarah- I do love that song! We saw someone do a beautiful ballet dance to it and it was visually stunning! Hugs-
I couldn’t agree more! Sometimes more than we would like, our lives feel like they are unraveling away. But thank God for giving us an eternal promise of Him holding us together. We must never forget.
Amen Micah! We’ll never reach the end of our rope! Hugs