Micah David
(Micah- “who is like God?” David- “beloved of God”)
11/11/88 celebrating 23 years on this Veteran’s Day 11/11/11~ you stretched our circle of love!
This is the last child that I write a tribute for in 2011. Thanks for bearing with me as I’ve shared my heart about the treasure trove of children the Lord has blessed us with. 🙂 I’m still in awe that God trusted us with such wealth! I know everyone of you could write touching tributes to your kids- (hey that’s a great idea- LOL- I’ve given you seven examples so hop to it 🙂 ) I know when my mom went to be with the Lord, I would have given almost anything to have something in writing- something more lasting than spoken words- sharing her heart with me.
Micah (on my lap in picture) is our fourth child, second son, and yet another proof that all children are not cut out of the same kilt- so to speak. Kinda the middle child- I’m not sure if Josh or Micah is- they still fight for that privilege… He’s fun- silly- serious about Jesus- always joking, yet tuned in and sensitive to others feelings. He can still to this day, “read” me and immediately asks me what’s wrong. I believe he was the first of the boys to claim the fame of burping the Pledge of Allegiance and his ABC’s. As a toddler, one of his favorite hymns was “I’ll fwy away, oh gory, I’ll fwy away!” He’s the child who looked at Carol (his Sunday School teacher and asked the infamous question inquiring minds want to know)
“Cawol (Carol) – do angels faaart?” (He was 3 or 4 at the time)
As I marvel at the ways God has stretched and matured this precious son, I’m blessed he’s such a hard worker, and a generous giver; of time, money, and his talents. He’s played drums on the worship team since he was 10 years old and has a servant’s heart. I’m not surprised he’s kept his sense of humor – and his belching skills. We loved watching him play basketball and soccer but one hobby he continues to this day is hunting. He’s loved hunting since he was eight- completing the gun safety course with Jeff while “I” sincerely instructed him that if he was going to shoot an animal, he must do it for food, not for the thrill of the hunt. When he shot his first deer he burst out crying and I was so happy that he realized death was real and that he had killed a living creature.
“Micah, I’m so glad you have a tender heart. It’s sad isn’t it?”
He looked at me with tears streaming down his face and replied, “No, not really mom! I’m crying because I’m so happy! I got my first deer.”
ahhh well. 🙂
The Lord has blessed him with an amazing life partner- his wife, Adrienne Willems Barclay. He graduated from KU in May and Adrienne graduates from Baker University this December. Their heart is to serve the Lord and they have dreams to own/run a Christian retreat/training center. Though unsure of the all the timing and details, they are seeking His will, so I know that’s a victorious combination. 🙂
And you can be sure- if Micah and Adrienne are around- Beth isn’t far behind 🙂
And so- as my little chicks are one by one, growing, leaving and cleaving- I’m rejoicing in their new adventures, blessed by their decisions and committment to each other and the Lord, thrilled they all include us in their busy lives, and most of all excited for the good future God has for us as we learn to walk in His ways.
Surprising Treasure: Each child is a unique gift- there is no owner’s manual that comes with them. I think I’ve learned it’s because God wants us to seek Him each day for understanding and wisdom. That way, we grow more dependant on Him and perhaps, understand His Father heart, just a little better as we grapple with raising our children.
Thank you for sharing! I love what you said in the last paragraph! As a first time mom, I’m learning very quickly that my son Evan didn’t come with an owner’s manual! 🙂 I seek God’s guidance daily for understanding. Love your blog! Your wisdom is inspiring!
Thanks Ann- you’re way ahead of where I was at your stage- I didn’t really fathom different giftings, temperments, and responses until about Micah. What an adventure- I know our children “need” us but I’ve often thought how “I needed” the lessons and insight raising them gave me. Blessings and hugs-
I agree with Ann 😉 and I am thankful for Micah for all of the above and more- he makes me smile at the smallest things! (and for you taking the time to tell us (immortalized on the www) what some of your thoughts, memories and hopes for us are- thanks mom:)
You are so welcome Sarah- LOL- the hardest part about the tributes is trying to not be toooooo mushy or prejudiced- I could really write a book to all of you kids- (maybe I will) but in a small way I hope you know we love you in a big way that can’t be measured!!! Having a large family is way better to me than diamonds, trips, fancy vacations, new cars, or a big house! You guys are my treasure!!!!
Well it is 4:47am! Just finished my devotions. (I was discipled by the Navigators!)
Getting dressed so Micah and I can get a buck today… And cry together! 🙂
Wow! You have such a way with words. If you can even make me sound good you should go work for the Obama. lol! Just kidding… Seriously, all joking aside if you think I am a wonderful son and have grown to be a good man, its not because I was born this way. You and dad have always pointed me to the One who really matters. Without you to show me Him I know I would not be where I am today. Thanks for being the most amazing mom ever. I love you so much!
W0W! Maybe I should be your press agent. LOL Love you- I have no greater joy than that my children are walking in the truth! hugs – Mom