We are “technically” part of the minority that doesn’t celebrate Halloween. I mean I try to keep it veeerrrry LOW KEY. It’s my least favorite holiday ever! I’ve never liked scary anything and I’m not fascinated by witches, warlocks, especially not vampires, and ghosts…. not even friendly ones. 🙂 In our family, we don’t do SCARY!
We have however, “loosened up” in the past seven years and participated in Harvest parties where our older kids worked game booths and got to dress up as fun characters, and Beth and the grandchildren dress up and bring home waaaaay to0 much candy.
Bethany, now attending public school part-time, was introduced to the word and concept of Halloween. As I waited for her to come bouncing out after school Monday, I observed superheros and skeletons, witches and princesses, excitedly pouring out of the building. Bethany (dressed in school clothes but oblivious to the fact she wasn’t in a costume and everyone else seemed to be) couldn’t wait to show me the “scary” story she had written in class.
She told me- “We – celebrate – Halloween! READ my Halloween story Mom!” She looked up with excitement, jittering back and forth waiting for me to read it.
I hope it isn’t too difficult for you to read.(low muscle tone and holding the pencil is challenging.) But I’m sure you will be able to read the most important word and conclusion to her story. LOL. She was given a story to copy. I read it once, then twice; mildly irritated about spooky stories that talked about checking under your bed at night and voices in the dark responding back when you think you’re all alone. However, as I re-read it, I noticed she had put her own spin on the ending by boldly writing three large letters. (I’m quite sure this was not in the original 🙂 )
I pulled her into a big hug and pointed at the word “GOD”. “Bethie, why did you write GOD at the end of your story?”
That was precious Cindy…Her insight is deeper that some of us older Christians as there was no doubt in her mind.
No doubt- just simple- straight out faith and love. She is such a gift to us!
Funny how that story found its way into my sermon for tomorrow…
🙂 Too bad I had to work children’s church- will have to listen to the pod cast of the sermon- hugs-
Out of the mouth of babes, God has perfected praise. Bless Bethany’s bumpity heart! I love this and I love her sweet spirit. Of such is the Kingdom of God, for sure. I could just squeeze you, Cindy, for sharing this with us.
Sometimes I can get sad, thinking she doesn’t understand “inference” or the “contextual content”- but then- times like this come along and I’m glad she’s seeing the world through her beautiful almond eyes!
That is why I still teach Sunday School. Great work mom and dad.
Kris- that’s awesome that you still teach Sunday School! I wish more people realized what a fantastic opportunity that is to be able to plant God’s love and truth in children! Blessings to you!!!