Ever since Bethany was diagnosed with down syndrome,
I ask myself this question:
Why do we place so much importance and make such a big deal about I.Q.?
[Tweet “Does our #happiness in #life depend on our #IQ?”]
Our new adventure in learning:
Bethany is running around the house, excited for her first foray into public education (we’ve been home schooling). She’s yelling,
“Gratulations Bethany! Way to go! You’re going to school!”
Her joy comforts me! Part time school is assuredly the next endeavor for Beth’s ultimate growth, but I’m still edgy and anxious! This morning, we embark on an unfamiliar frontier. We are cautiously entering the world of IEP’s, 504’s, achievement tests, labels, special education, and accommodations.
Home Schooling Bethany has been beneficial because the focus has been on mastery. After heaps of prayer, we’re convinced we need to broaden our horizons and expand Bethany’s learning environment: the next step is to home school part time and integrate Bethany into formal schooling part time. (oh yes- you can! You can go to school part time and home school part time. click on PBS- Part-Time Home Schooling Article )
So- tomorrow, she goes for her first ever- assessment test.
How I wish I could preface the test with a list of everything I know she can do! I dread someone “evaluating” her and assigning her an intellectual level, especially in 30 minutes. She is so much more than can be measured, assessed and “pigeon-holed.”
Back in the day, IQ results (which measures rational intelligence) were considered the measurement of a person’s potential for success. Then it was discovered that success was also dependent on EQ or “emotional intelligence”(the thinking that gives us empathy, compassion and ability to respond appropriately to pain or pleasure.) Interestingly enough, I came across a book by Danah Zohar and Dr. Ian Mitchel: SQ (Spiritual Intelligence)- the Ultimate Intelligence
[Tweet “Our ultimate #intelligence is not our #IQ but how we #love God and others.”]
The authors assert that SQ (or the “spiritual quotient”) is the necessary foundation for both IQ and EQ!
They claim it is our ultimate intelligence.
Their premise points out that computers have a staggering IQ,
many animals have a high EQ,
but only people have SQ– Spiritual Quotient-
“the ability to be creative, change the rules, alter situations, and question why we are here.”
Ah haaa! I’m taking a deep breath, reminding myself that knowledge is power and when the testing is done tomorrow it is a starting point- only that!
not an evaluation of her as a person,
not a judgement on me as a home school mom,
and certainly not a measure of her value and significance as a person.
So- here I am again. Circling back to the same surprising truths I glean every time we face a new challenge with Bethany.
The Truth I come around too every time:
[Tweet “God doesn’t care about your IQ or abilities- He’s looking at what’s in our hearts.”]
Surprising Treasure: Quote from my friend from Faithwriters, Edy Johnson who hit the nail on the head in her comment on the post about Bethie’s Brain.
“The simplicity of child-like faith is where the Kingdom of God rests! So, perhaps, we stress ourselves for no good reason! Could that be possible? Your messages stimulate me to thinking. I love that quote, that our CHIEF end is to GLORIFY God and ENJOY Him forever. That is our destination, and more and more of our journey as we discover He is all we need. God has given Bethany an amazing brain, as your posts bear witness. Her RQ (relationship quotient) is in the genius range, for sure!”
Ok…tear coming down my cheek! Beth is an “off the chart”, fabulous girl…no matter what any test says… Love you all…look forward to hearing (reading) all about this new adventure!
Love you all… Amber
Amber- tears are trickling down as I read your comment- Thank you friend for always being there to encourage me. I wish we were still in the same geographic area!!! I just know Bethany would benefit so much by being friends with JayCee. Love you and your whole family! Hugs and thanks.
You’ve done it again, Cindy! Moved me to tears—I just love you all to pieces!
Right back at you Edy. I don’t know how or why God has brought our lives together, but I’m so greatful for your insight, love, and encouragement!!! Hugs-
Sending this site on, to Polly Raichert. : )
(Thank you Edy, for leading me here –that poem of this sweet little girl’s mother, “Almond Eyes”, hit me right between the eyes & plumped down into my heart! : )
Hi Mary,
I’m so glad you visited here too! I love posting but what I really love is reading the encouragement and love that just boomerang right back to me! Blessings Mary!
I totally agree–and if you need any help–PLEASE let me know–I’d love to be Beth’s “long distance” advocate–and can help if you need a “closer” advocate as well (have a bunch of PhD friends who have great connections). Beth is an awesome all around brilliant girl!!! AND–that should be recognized!!!
Mary P.
Oh Mary! You don’t know how much that means to me! I am shaking in my boots (just a little 🙂 ). I would love you to be Beth’s long distance advocate. I feel totally out of my comfort zone but God has always helped us by putting wonderful people in her life (you 🙂 are one of many) and I’m convinced He won’t stop now. I’ll call you soon and get some advice. Hugs and thanks.
She will love the social side of school. Remember that you are her best advocate, know her better than anyone one else and an important part of the team as you sit in meetings. Tell them what you want included in that IEP.
Thank you so much Kris- She is going to love the social side of school! She’s such a little social butterfly! I may need to pick your brain sometime too! Thanks for the encouragement and words of wisdom!
I wish everyone could have seen one scene. We are in a conference room with the person who oversees the special education departments in each elementary school. She is talking to Bethany and Bethany pulls her pink phone from her purse to check to see if she had any text messages. We will have to work on that, but Bethie Boo is a popular girl!
By the way, Beth told me, “I like school, but I was shy and kinda of nervous today.”
Hmmm. Beth is usually shy and nervous only once.
what an amazing young girl and mom…I’d rather have a good SQ and RQ than IQ any day…and she’s got it nailed…what a blessing she must be!
Not really so amazing- 🙂 God is the amazing one who takes such broken vessels and chooses to strengthen, teach, and show His love through them. I agree- SQ and RQ! Hugs Amy
Oh Cindy,
You have been such a great mom to Bethany. I so miss seeing that sweet smile and hearing “Powers”. Has there been a decision what school she will attend? Who did you all meet with today? Please let me know if I can be of some help. I have learned so much about all of that the past 4 years. Praying for Bethany and all of you.
Thanks Pam! I’ll be giving you a call! 🙂
I came across your site while looking for “burning bush” pictures (I AM that I AM). What started out as a search for a way to contact you and ask for permission to use a picture for my husband’s message this Sunday, has turned into a time of prayer and reflection. I have been lost in your story for some time now. Please know that I will keep your family and Bethany in my prayers. I will join her in shouting “Gratulations Bethany!”
I am so excited for Bethany! I know she will make so many wonderful friends who will just fall in love with her. She will be the true friend that they need and are longing for; Someone who truly truly cares about them as a person, as a creation of God, not just another kid on the playground who has silly hair or eats weird things.
Kara- I’m smiling from ear to ear- You should be Beth’s champion! 🙂 Keep praying for her- I know she’ll do great but transitions and change are challenging for her!!! Hugs – can’t wait to see you when you get back home!