What’s on your list for today?
I’ll never fully understand what compels me to make lengthy, laborious, lists?
Lists that I lose and don’t/can’t complete.- 😉
Today- I think I’ll put “MAKING GOD SMILE” at the
I was stressing- you know- “the running around, heart pumping, kinda grouchy, I don’t know how I’m going to get everything done” stressing.
Bethany, Finley, and Cohen were watching me like I was a pin ball ricocheting crazily in a pin ball machine.
Beth said, “Mommy, I don’t think you supposed to be worry.”
Cohen chimed in, “Yeah Nana, isn’t da joy down down down in your heart?”
Finley jumps in, “Nana, come on, let’s have fun.”
I said nothing. I rolled my eyes and then gave them a tight little smile, thinking,
“Ob-vious-ly, they don’t know how much I had to do!
How great just to be a kid and not have Re-spon-si-bil-ities!!!”
“Ummm, yeah, the joy is still down in my heart, but we’re in a hurry, so let’s find our shoes and get out to the car, OK?”
Fifteen long minutes later, we’re in the car: shoes on, diaper bag, water bottles, Cookie, the stuffed puppy strapped in, as well as everyone else in their car seats and seat belts. I took a deep breath, punched on the radio and heard Steven Curtis Chapman’s new song. DO EVERYTHING!
Do EVERYTHING?! I’m trying!!!! Then I snapped to attention on the chorus and whap-
better than going to a chiropractor– I got an attitude adjustment that put the joy joy joy back down in my heart!
Just want to share it with you today. You gotta listen- be blessed & send some love up to your Father- He’s taking care of the day for you so you can have joy! 🙂
[Tweet “Enjoy life- that makes our Father smile!”]
Surprising Treasure: “My “To Do” List for each day
Live is to make God smile.”
quote from:(Gianna Jennson- survivor of a saline abortion)
And you do EVERYTHING you do to the Glory of the One who made you,
Cause He made you to do everything little thing that you do to bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace with every move that you make and every little thing that you do!
Wow Cindy…How could that writer of the song know how you feel in the mornings? How awesome is God? The song ministered to me too in a different way ( no cereal on the floor or toys to be picked up) but it did check me to be sure and do what will bring honor and glory to God. Another great post….I always get so blessed by reading what you write.
I know- God is always on time! And I think everyone can relate to the boring, mundane parts of life- (unless you’re in a scintillating job 🙂 ) I’ll never forget a Randy Alcorn book I read, SAFELY HOME. It was about a person who became a Christian in China, lost his prestigious job and had to become a janitor (or something very humbling in his eyes) but he was determined to become the very best Christian “janitor” there- DOING EVERYTHING for the glory of God! We need to know Who is watching us and delighting in our heart attitude. Hugs Charlene.
I LOVE this! A perfect encouragement for my day. Hadn’t heard that song yet, thanks for sharing!
Thanks Sarah! I know- I LOVE this song! It’s working it’s way into my mind and heart! Hugs-
What precious baby-missionaries God has blessed your family with! Thanks so much for sharing those darling and insightful quotes. I could just squeeze each one of those little cherubs. Give them each a kiss from me and tell them I think they did a good job as a vessel for the Lord to use in ministering to your heart. 🙂
Isn’t it surprising – that by staying home- “missing out on a career”- not getting a paycheck- “stuck” so to speak, in a lack-luster job- I get so blessed?! Out of the mouths of babes- God has perfected praise!