Bethany “Ann with an e” Barclay
(if you’ve read Anne of Green Gables you’ll know why)
Bethany means “house” and Anne means “full of God’s grace”
God surely chose her name and put it in our hearts~
This picture is Bethany and my brother’s little boy- Jason Charles Benedict. They were born on the same day; 30 minutes and 5 states apart.
Beth and Jason turn eleven today. In a few hours, we’ll call Arizona and wish her “twin cousin” Happy Birthday. Right now, she’s running around, holding up two fingers to represent 11- she’s broadcasting the good news to everyone. Waking up early this morning, she is figuratively bouncing off the walls, saying, “I so excited- today’s my birthday. I need to call everyone and remind them.” This statement makes me a little nervous and excited because Jeff and I decided to give her what she’s been wanting for two years now.
In just a few hours, Beth is going to be the owner of a- “GASP”- pink trac phone!
(Oh, how far we’ve relaxed as parents since we had Sarah over thirty years ago LOL! 🙂 )
Please Lord, don’t let this backfire!! The plan is she learns more responsibility while enjoying being auditorialy connected. “Connecting” is what Bethany loves most! She already uses Jeff’s and my phone to call or text her siblings every day! She knows everyone’s phone numbers by heart (better than me 🙂 I only speed dial the kids)
It’s a lesson in the importance of positive living when I hear her sound exactly like me on the phone.
“Hi ________, I’m just touching base with you to see how you’re doing today.”
I could use the rest of the post to tell you how sweet, compassionate, loving, and hilarious Bethany is. Or, I could share little quirky things she does; like pick her toes or chew on her fingers when she’s nervous. Or, I could share the challenges of helping her overcome her “mule moments” (where she digs in and won’t budge.)
But today, I just want to shout, “I love this “little house full of God’s grace.” 7th and final arrow in our quiver! The Lord has surely blessed us!
SURPRISING TREASURE: The Kingdom of Heaven belong to those whose hearts are like children!
“One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.” Matthew 19:13-15
How precious this is Cindy. I am sure she will do fine with her new phone…She will be in dancing happiness for a long time with that. I am sure it will provide some sort of comfort for you too because that is your link if she ever gets separated by accident from one of you. She is very precious in His sight as well as ours. Give her a big Birthday hug from the Robinsons and tell her to let you post her picture with her phone on F/B so I can see it. Love your family bunches!
You bet- I’m so excited to see her face. Will be posting soon! Hugs-
I love the meanings of names, and Bethany Anne and her name are a great match. I’m excited to hear how she likes her pink phone. Isn’t it such a God-thing to have the joy of seeing our loved ones respond to a gift we just know they’ve been wanting! Thanks again for more heart-touching correspondence from your pen!