Q- When you look at this picture-
what do you see?
The correct answer is carbon.
But when God looks at carbon, He sees what it can become.
In these shadowlands- the “fallen world”- “living between the trees”- we have to remember we are living impoverished lives. This isn’t the abundant fullness that God first created for mankind. Our physical, mental and spiritual capacities are impaired- dulled and corrupted by sin, death, and disease.
In our world, we have a “value” system we seldom talk about.
If a person is on the “low” end of the spectrum, either physically or mentally, society oftentimes deems them as “throwaways” and useless. We don’t dare say it out loud- well, Peter Singer & a few other post-modern, faithless philosophers spread their propaganda unabashedly.
Genetic testing now encourages women to dispose of any “thing” less than perfect. I was stunned when I found out that 9 out of 10 babies with down syndrome are never allowed to breathe their first breath! On the other hand, if a person is on the “high” end of the spectrum, society applauds and fauns over them and now even encourages genetic engineering to “bring forth the perfect human being”.
Everyone is missing the point-
In God’s sight-
We are all carbon.
none of us are worthy-
no not one-
we have all missed the mark-
we’re inferior-
incapable of bringing ourselves into a state of perfection and wholeness! (Romans 3:10)
Only in God’s hands, can we become diamonds.
Even when we are just “carbon”- God puts such high value on us, that He sent His only Son to redeem us. Redeem means to buy back- to ransom. He did this so that we can be His Sons and Daughters again. No one is a throwaway in God’s sight. He knows with the right conditions in our hearts, and His Spirit working in our lives, He can transform us to a brilliant, strong, fiery, useful diamond- redeemed for His glory!
Surprising Treasure: God doesn’t see throwaways or useless people- we are all diamonds in the rough.
Great insight Cindy…we are all black in our hearts until the master starts polishing.
Think how beautiful we’re going to be when He gets done with us!! 🙂
Wow, Cindy! What a gift to grasp these insights and put them into words for us. Thank you!
I’m constantly amazed at what God “sees” in us! Oh, how He loves us!
I feel much more like carbon than diamonds, but I have also felt God’s hand on me. The longer He holds us, and yes, the tighter the squeeze, the more diamond-like we can become. Thank you for writing.