I’ll let you younger moms and dads in on a secret I wish I had known thirty years ago when this picture was taken and we were just starting to raise our “heritage of the Lord.”
[Tweet “Which definition of #success are you teaching your #children to live by? #values #authenticity”]
There is an unspoken pressure and expectation in parents to make sure there children grow up to be “SUCCESSFUL”
Ok- here’s the secret- are you ready for it?
[Tweet “”Raise your children according to God’s definition of #success. #parenting””]
Make sure you are raising to according to God’s definition of “success”
and not what this world judges as “successful”!
This might sound easy, perhaps overly simplistic- but it’s not!
Society doles out grades for every subject for a minimum of twelve years, kids compete on every athletic team amassing hundreds of judgements at the end of the competition declaring them “losers” or “winners”. People applaud certain careers- ie gushing with joy “My daughter’s a doctor!” vs. saying with pride “My daughter is a home maker.” or “My son is a CEO for Datacom” vs. “My son is a city trash remover.”
Society dictates and defines what we need to achieve to “make it to the top” and “beat the competition”. Advertisements urge us to buy the best and wear the best, in order that we can be the best. (whatever the best is 🙂 )
Having a child with limitations or special needs puts a screeching halt on what we usually define as #successful.
What if my child can’t be a doctor?? gasp- What if they’re “just” a grocery bagger? What if my child graduates high school with a “special” diploma and never goes to college or makes lots of money? What if they never live independently or “contribute to society”?
There is nothing wrong with any of these scenarios- it’s just we usually dream pretty big dreams for our children- and in the process, put a lot of pressure, stress, and skewed perspective into their spirits and minds.
Here’s a pic of our grown up heritage 🙂
Having a child with special needs-
has taught me there’s only two things you
have to do to be successful in God’s sight.
One of her first “God thoughts” (verses I simplified so she could memorize them when she was little) was the shortened version the greatest commandment .
“Love God. Love Others.”
That’s it.
Our key for success- at least in God’s eyes.
[Tweet “The #key for #success in God’s opinion is: #LoveGod- #LovePeople”]
If that’s what expects, how can we dilute His definition of success with more???
These two simple things that will take a life time
of learning and doing to achieve.
God doesn’t require success the way the world does- He spells s-u-c-c-e-s-s differently. If we love God and love others- then God says- “Great job! You’ve got it! That’s all I expect and want from you. That’s how I measure success. “
In fact, He spells success- l-o-v-e.
Surprising Treasure: Mark 12:30.31, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” Jesus answered, “The most important one is this: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.”
Cindy – I love your blog. I have a cousin with Downs – he is awesome. I remember a story of him telling my aunt and uncle (his mom and dad) that he had 2 big goals in life… work and McDonals and play in the NBA. After getting a job at McD’s – he exclaimed. “One down, one two go, Pop!” I gleen so much from you, your attitude, your love of the Lord. Keep writing….
That’s awesome Heidi! What positive and innocent outlooks on life! Simple- yet profound somehow. Oh my gosh- Bethany can hardly wait to grow up and work at Sonic, Subway, or the new addition- Dillions- however, she wants to run the cash register…..:)
Wow… that picture is awesome… Jeff, are those cowboy boots?!?! Yeehaw Pastor!
IKR?! LOL- Jeff wore cowboy boots for years- and I still have a love for big hair. Seems like just yesterday sometimes and a life time ago- that pic is Sarah (turning 30 at the end of the month 🙂
Thanks for the thoughts, Cindy.
Great to hear from you Jerry!