Celebration abounds!
Spring is unfolding gloriously, victoriously banishing winter’s reign.
Home schooling’s epic moment today consisted of planting flower bulbs of “shooting stars” and “freesia”; carefully blanketing them in warm, rich soil. They sure didn’t look like much as we held them in our hands.
Finley said, “Nana, are you sure there are flowers in there?”
[Tweet “Buried deep within each #person, is a #flower waiting to unfurl.”]
How many times have I looked at someone and seen nothing “special”. How many times have I looked at myself and asked Jesus, “Are you sure there’s anything in me that you find beautiful? I don’t see anything?”
[Tweet “Open the eyes of our heart Lord and let us see what you see! #hidden #miracles”]
We are the planting of the Lord!
He sees what He created inside of us. He holds us in His nail scarred hands and lovingly buries our lifeless form under the warm, rich soil of His presence. Under His nurture and provision, we begin to stretch out, past the boundaries of our beginning. Unfurling our hearts in His presence, we grow and stretch upward, reaching out to His calling of New Life! In His perfect timing and plan, we blossom and the sweet fragrance He planted in us is given to all. Everyone can finally see what He saw all along- the planting of the Lord, flowering for His splendor!
“Yes Finley, I’m sure they are flowers in there.”
Surprising Treasure: To all who mourn-(my translation 🙂 – see nothing special) He will give a crown of beauty instead of ashes- the oil of joy instead of despair. Then they will be called “oaks of righteousness”, the PLANTING OF THE LORD, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor!
What a lovely story. So much of your writing is so creative that I stop to mull it over in my mind, for instance, you wrote” Under His nurture and provision, we begin to stretch out, past the boundaries of our beginning.” I love the wording of that and it brought mind the lyrics of the gospel song, “I believe in Miracles,” where it says “I’ve seen the lily push its way up through the stubborn sod.”
I’ll be interested in reading your blog whenever it’s published, Cindy. It refreshes my soul each time I read it.
God be with you,
Thanks Mariane! I love that song- I Believe in Miracles. God is so amazing- the lessons He hides in creation, just waiting for us to discover them.
I’m stunned! Sitting here reading through your blogs, I’ve been through a whole range of feelings but mostly admiration that with so much having been placed on your plate, you’re such a walking, talking, breathing example of God’s grace.
What a beautiful story this was and what a beautiful family you have, in every way. You are surely one of God’s favorite children, because of your faithfulness and your reflection of Jesus in every part of your life.
God bless you in your continued walk with him.
All for Jesus,
Oh my, this is such a wonderful illustration of hidden treasure just waiting to be revealed. Your writing gives me goosebumps and brings tears to my eyes. “He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.'” (John 7:38) I love coming for a refreshing drink from the fountain God has given you, Cindy. Thank you for seeing Jesus wherever you look!
Oh Edy- 🙂 Thanks- but I think the real issue is- HOW can we NOT see Jesus everywhere we look? He made all things and by His power holds all things together. What really blesses me, is that He has truly lifted me out of the “pit” and amazed me by setting me on THE ROCK. total Grace!