Thank God for organizations like Up with Downs (, Einstein Syndrome ( NADS (National Association for Downs Syndrome) ( ) for their positive message and information. Thank God for people like Mary, Melody, and Sue (Beth’s tutors and early interventionists). They encouraged us to believe the best for Bethany.
“Reach for the Stars-
reject stereotypes.
Expect her to learn-
and then stand back and watch her!”
Their Mantra and our motto since Bethany has been born.
“Reach for the stars!”
We ache with wanting so much for her! (as all parents do for all their children)
But somehow, when you have a child with special needs, you want it even more*
[Tweet “When you have a #child with #specialneeds- your heart cries with #dreams.”]
It has been exhilarating as we watch her achieve milestones the “experts”, doctors, and books warned us she might never achieve. She walked at 13 months, began sight reading at 18 months, and eventually her jabbering became true speech. She can read at 3rd grade level (she’s in 4th), she’s becoming quite a speller (loves the movie Akeelah and the Bee) and knows her addition and subtraction facts. She can recite all the books of the Old and New Testament in order and has memorized over 25 Bible verses! She still struggles with some money concepts and comprehending a long written amount of information, breaking down and understanding 3 and 4 step instructions: but she is amazing me!
However- the excitement I feel is somewhat tempered by the fact that she is getting older every year and is slowly and steadily falling behind her peers. The future can look somewhat daunting if I look at it from my perspective.
[Tweet “When you have a #child with #specialneeds- #love will light your way.”]
You see, fear shouts to me it is my responsibility to get her to the stars. I must do everything humanly possible to help her surpass everyone’s expectations; but by setting the standard so impossibly high and out of reach, don’t I set myself up for disappointment and failure?
What if she doesn’t “reach the stars”?
I’ve come to believe reaching the stars is not the goal!
[Tweet “Do better than reaching for the “stars”- reach for the #Starmaker.”]
I am to teach her
to reach for the
Star Maker *
If she reaches Him, she will attain better than the “stars”.
He is the One who will enable her to live a life of love and joy. If she grasps His goodness, His mercy, and grace, she will have attained the most important thing in life. To know God and enjoy Him forever.
So, I guess, my thought is this. Take the pressure off yourself- off your kids- your loved ones. None of us have a spaceship and we would have to be cryogenic-ally frozen to reach even one star- but we are all offered a personal friendship and relationship with the Master Star Maker Himself.
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Surprising Treasures: To paraphrase James 4:8- When you draw near to the Star Maker (God), the Star Maker (God) will draw near to you. WOW!
Oh, how wonderful! Simply “reaching for the stars” can sound like a burden we bear alone. But, “reaching for the Star Maker” just sings of God’s love (and plans!) for each of us. I love it! You are blessed to be a blessing to us with all this good stuff you’re publishing here, Cindy. Thanks muchly, Sweetheart!
You will never know how much your love and encouragement mean to mean Edy! Thank you!