BB– Before Bethany- I was largely UNAWARE of the “special needs” population.
I spent the first two years or so, denying that she had any special needs. In fact, even the word “special” was like hearing fingernails drag across a chalk board. Oh, if I only had $1.00 for every time I heard:
“You must be “special parents” to get such a “special gift”.
As a parent, I didn’t feel “special”- I was sad. I wanted Bethany to be “normal”– not “special” (which was a nice word for saying different.) To be honest, there’s nothing “special” about downs syndrome; or autism, or williams syndrome, or cerebral palsy, or any disability or limitation. These are genetic errors which result in a lifetime of coping and overcoming.
My point:
Everyone is “Special”- because we’re created in God’s image. I find it sad that we label kids with downs syndrome as “more” special because they’re so “loving” or a precious “angel”.
I believe they are special because God has a “special” purpose in their life to help us comprehend in a new way, His lavish love He has for all of us in our limited, broken state- but God doesn’t have a hierarchy of specialness- a number/point system of special to not so special.
We are all His children and He has set His love upon us to save us and redeem us.
EVERYONE is limited, challenged, with all kinds of genetic malfunctions; some worse than others. In other words,
We all have special needs!
LIMITATIONS AND DISABILITIES are not what make us “special”,
HOWEVER, our weaknesses and limitations are what God can use for His glory!
For example: A lot of people measure “value” and “worth” by intelligence.
My nephew, Jordan got a 36 on his ACT scores- he’s pretty brilliant- I got a 26 on my ACT’s. Just because he’s smarter than me, is his life more valuable than mine? Do I feel sorry for myself that I can’t study law and be brilliant? No- I have learned to accept myself- LIMITATIONS AND ALL and I ask God to use my gifts and talents so I can make a difference in this world.
I can rejoice in who Bethany is-
limitations & all
for two reasons.
1. God can and will use her weakness and her talents to glorify His name on this earth!
2. God is not going to leave her this way! (He’s not going to leave any of us this way- hallelujah!) In eternity, He promises wholeness and completeness- everything we were meant to be before sin corrupted our genetics and this world.
Surprising Treasures: 1- “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. II Corinthians 12:9
2- He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, crying, or pain; for the first things have passed away. He who sits on the throne says, “Behold, I am making ALL THINGS new! Revelation 21:5
So true Cindy. I know that I am a special needs child of God and He loves me and will take care of me till the end. What a comforting thought.
I know having Bethany, has given me a much larger picture of God’s love, compassion, and delight in me- as His child. I don’t question my unconditional, overwhelming love for Bethany- so I shouldn’t question His unconditional, non-performance oriented, overhwleming love for me. Hugs-
Cindy, I’m so pleased that you got your blog up and running! I pray that many will be blessed by it! Your insights are truly inspirational! Love you!
Thanks Julie. I’d love you to do a guest spot sometime and share some insights- I’d love to post them.
I love that kid! I was going to say little girl but whenever I have EVER said to Court I get a “I’m not little.” LOL Bethany is such a ham in front of the camera. Definitely a Barclay trait but I have a feeling in this case the camerawoman MAY have a little bit of influence. ;o) I can’t wait to see her and all of you soon!
She does love the camera LOL- Moriah is usually the photographer- she really gets her to “model”. We can’t wait to see you all too! We have some really fun things planned! Hugs-
Cindy, I am so delighted to see your inviting website — you’ve thought of everything! What a treasure! I love reading your insights, too. Obviously, God has drawn you close to His heart and shared with you jewels from the deep mine of His Word. I’m so glad He brought us together! Everything is so beautiful – Hugs!
Thanks big sister! Seriously, you don’t know how much you encouraged me and inspired me that I had something to say- when I met you on FaithWriters! Thank you so much. Love you.
So glad God allowed you to get this blog up for all us special people who need encouragement. You are great at that.
Thanks Mickey- you are so special to me! I’m blessed to be walking the “journey” with you!