I wonder what it would be like to see the “baggage” I carry around?! Is depression an umbrella, opened over my head, blocking “Son Rays” from my life? Is regret a backpack filled with heavy rocks of self incrimination? Perhaps, the reason my feet feel like lead and I stumble through the day is they are shackled with chains of guilt for all the things I didn’t get done. Maybe my head hurts because a “covering” has encapsulated it, constantly transmitting negative talk and gloominess. If I could see the handcuffs on my hands, preventing me from lifting them up in praise or clasping them together to pray, perhaps I would do something about my situation. But because these feelings are invisible, I suffer their influence unaware and not astute enough to realize I could do something about it. I need to really “lose it”. Lose it all! Even better than losing it is going one step further- replacing it with something better.
OK- I’m going to let you in on my secret (actually it’s not my secret but it really works)
God has a free trade in program!
I get to exchange a spirit of heaviness for a garment of praise. Exchange my stinkin thinkin for the helmet of salvation and a sound mind. When I’m depressed, I can trade it in for joy and comfort. When I’m shackled and trapped, He brings freedom and liberty. If I’m down, He lifts my eyes and He lifts me up. He is made strong through our weaknesses.
Surprising Treasure: I can get a free upgrade from God anytime I need it!!!
It truly is a wonderful feeling to know we don’t have to go around in “depression”, but let God’s love lift us out of any dark place we start to enter. I am so glad God transforms lives, and has the BEST Medicine! “Losing it” really is a comforting feeling (once you REALLY let it all go!)
Eva- thank you so much for commenting- it is amazing that His love lifts us out of every pit and He trades our sorrows for joy- blessings and joy in His presence!