A line in a famous song urges us to “Imagine there’s no heaven.”
No thank you Mr. Lennon.
I’m going to imagine the promise of my Father who sacrificed His only Son so that I can live with Him forever in heaven!!!
Lately, one of Bethany’s favorite phrases is “Can you imagine?” Wish I could put the inflection in it – believe me, its dramatically given with a big smile and arching of eyebrows! 🙂
The Bible tells us we can’t begin to IMAGINE the wonder, the beauty, the awesomeness, of God and what He’s prepared for us- His children. As a parent, don’t you love to prepare a surprise for your children? You anticipate their excitement and thrill as they receive what you lovingly give them! It must be magnified a million fold for our Father God. He has gone to great cost (the death of His Son) and unbelievable expense (freely using His immeasurable resources) to lavish His love upon His children.
And one day- we’re gonna see it all and be blown away!
I’ll bet Dick, Judy,and Rick Hoyt imagine what it will be like someday- when this life between the trees is over! When Rick was born with the umbilical cord around his neck, he suffered from cerebral palsy.
(for more information click on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_Hoyt )
Their amazing journey of overcoming obstacles in learning and achieving purposefulness and dynamic living is mind-boggling! In 1977, Rick expressed to his Dad, (who was not a runner) that when his Dad was running behind him, pushing him in his wheel chair, that he didn’t “feel handicapped” anymore. That was the beginning of “Team Hoyt”!
Indescribable love! Parents committed to pursuing every avenue to help their son engage and enjoy life! Sacrificial Love- a father, training to run so that he can swim, bike and run his wheel-chair ridden son, in what has now become over 250 triathalons! That commitment pales in comparison to our Heavenly Father’s love for us. Not only is He willing to go the distance for us, lay down His life, but He is ABLE and WILLING to REDEEM and RESTORE us in eternity!
I’m betting the Hoyt’s imagine Heaven, and thank God every day that one day- Rick is going to run free- right along side his Dad!
Now that’s something worth imagining!!!
Surprising Treasure: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, NO MIND HAS IMAGINED, what God has prepared for those who love Him.” II Corinthians 2:9 NLT
I Can Only Imagine- by Team Hoyt- Woot! Unbelievable!
What a beautiful expression of love. The father’s legs become the limbs of life for both himself and his child.